Glamper’s Portaledge                        Glamper’s Portaledge

Date Fall 2019
Syracuse, NY
Instructor Daekwon Park
Collaborators Bryce Edwards, Tianhui Li, Leyla Ramelmeier

The prompt is to design a microhome at a high degree of detail resolution. We decided to design on a cliff-face and challenge ourselves by positioning ourselves halfway down the cliff as to tackle structural and tectonic issues in regards to its sustainability and climate. It became apparent very early on that we want to create a microhome off the grid and low maintanence. The material is primarily copper and aluminium so that over time, the patina blends the facades into the rockscape behind. The strucutre was also designed as components as to maximise pre-fab opportunities and minimise our footprint during installation on site. Our site offered a very specific advantage in terms of an unspoiled, uninterrupted view of nature. However, its climate zone also limited the amount of apatures allowed due to insualtion requirements. Our solution was to create an operable facade that has all the insulation requirements during the winter season but can open up enitrely during the summer, extending the living space into the wild. The operable facade uses a pully-counterweight system, based off early prototypes of elevators. As mentioned, our intention is to minimise our building’s footprint on nature. This meant that sustainable systems such as rainwater collection and minimal use of electricity. This also meant that the points of contact between our building and the surface was also intentionally minimized. We actual building is pinned in place using four beams and a suspension cable that go into the rock face, while everything else hovers beyond the rock surface.

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